How to Create a Project Workflow


A workflow shows the progress of tasks in a project. It defines all the stages that a task goes through from beginning to end. It tells users what needs to be done and in what order, thereby boosting work efficiency.


In this article, you’ll learn:


1. How to create a project workflow:


Step 1: On your ProProfs Project dashboard, click on your profile icon at the top right corner and then click Workflow.


Online project management software


Step 2: Click + Add Workflow to create a new workflow.


Add project workflow


Step 3: In this pop-up, enter the required information, as shown in the illustration below.


Customize project workflow

  1. Give the workflow a name.
  2. By default, there are three statuses - OpenCompleted, and On hold - that you can’t edit or delete. Here’s what they mean.
    1. Open: All your tasks that are open to being picked or assigned 
    2. Completed: Tasks that are finished.
    3. On Hold: Tasks that are temporarily suspended.
  3. To create a new status, click +Add Status. In the window that pops-up next, enter the status name, select its default progress percentage, and choose a color that represents this status. You can come back and edit this information whenever you want. Click Done to finish.


Add status in a project workflow


Step 4: Preview the newly added status. Click Save to add it to the workflow. Similarly, you can add more statuses depending on the nature of your project.


New workflow


Your custom workflows appear like this. Mouseover a workflow to edit or delete it.


Project workflows



2. How to apply a workflow to a project:


Step 1: On your ProProfs Project dashboard, click the project options menu >> Workflow.



Open project workflow


Step 2: Select a workflow that you want to apply to this project and click Save.


Select project workflow



3. How to apply a workflow from within a project:


Step 1: Open the project you would like to apply a new workflow to.



Open project


Step 2: Click Workflow in the project options menu.


Access project workflow


Step 3: Select your desired workflow and click Save to apply it to the project.


Select project workflow




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